Statement of Faith

Everything we believe can be summed up in the person of Jesus.

Humanity's Need

We believe in one God, creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. God created humans in His image to live in loving fellowship with Him.

But because we each choose to rebel against God and go our own way, we are alienated from Him and suffer the corruption of our nature because of our sin. Because of this, death, disease, darkness, and evil have entered the world and all of creation is in desperate need of redemption.

God's Solution

God’s solution to humanity’s sin is the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He died a substitutionary death on the cross as payment for our sins. His suffering, death, burial, and resurrection bring hope for all humankind. Sin and death have been defeated and the promise of forgiveness and eternal communion with God are available through Jesus. No amount of good works or human effort can restore us from our state of eternal alienation from God.


God did not abandon us to our own destruction but instead promised to provide a way to restoration and redemption. That way took on flesh in the person and work of Jesus Christ. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.

He is the exact expression of God and sustains all things by His power. He is the source and explanation of all creation. He is our champion, our guide and the object of our affection.

Holy Spirit

God’s Holy Spirit works in us to bring conviction of a person’s need for the forgiveness of sin through Christ. He regenerates their heart and then permanently indwells them, affirming as children of God all those who trust Jesus. The Holy Spirit empowers us with gifts, convicts, guides, comforts, counsels, and leads us into truth through a communal life of worship and a missional expression of our faith. This expression is called the church.

Unity in Community

We believe the church is the greatest organization on earth, despite all its flaws. That's because God chose to carry out His mission on Earth through communities of people called the Church. We desire to be part of what God is doing and believe every Christian should be actively involved in church.

Everyone Belongs

God is not looking for good deeds or perfect people. And we certainly don't pretend to be holier than anyone else. To the contrary, we believe everyone has made mistakes and needs love and acceptance. We've found that God delights in giving both.


We believe God inspired the authors of Scripture by his Spirit to speak to all generations of believers, including us today. In the original writings they are without error. We believe the Scriptures speak with the authority of God while reflecting the backgrounds, styles, and vocabularies of the human authors. By God’s Spirit, we seek to interpret, contextualize, and live out this story even today.

Grace Centered

Those who know Jesus have been made spiritually alive by the Holy Spirit and forever separated from their sin. We believe that sinners are saved by grace and stay saved by grace apart from good works. That means salvation is hinged on God's enduring love, not by man's performance.